Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

Long Island Rescue Jepara

Long Island Head JeparaPengakuan Marine and Fisheries (Dislutkan) ACHID JESNA Setiawan of damage Jepara coast and several islands really alarming.

That way at least has a correlation with the results of research Puryono Karto Sri Soedomo that almost all mangrove forests in pantura in damaged condition; approximately 96.95 per cent which would cover an area of Tegal, Kendal, Semarang, Demak, Jepara, Pati, until the Rembang.

Destruction of mangrove forest naturalness charm along with the global environmental crisis of global warming increase the quality of the boom reduced the threat of land area as a whole.

Moreover, the weakening of the quality of coastal environment marked Jepara abrasion threats have removed some Bulak village land area.

The damage was and it was not caused by one factor over the function of land, so many factors that make the process even more acute abrasion, which is missing or absence of mangrove forests as native coastal vegetation green.

The question is now what to do? Another can not local governments (Local Government) in the path of the North Coast line, including the district of Jepara should make joint movement of Mangrove Center. A cross-sectoral movement that works to cultivate a variety of mangrove species in accordance with the conditions of coastal different.

In addition, Mangrove Center also has a function to monitor the environmental management of coastal and small islands are holistic.

That means keeping the focus of development policies of economic growth does not conflict with the principles of environmental conservation.

Steps such as understanding that the natural cycles that affect each other. Coastal mangrove vegetation in the form of biological aspects is the place berpijahnya shrimp, fish, and crabs. As for the chemical aspects are able to absorb pollutants.

Therefore, if the bare mangrove air pollutants from upstream areas and can no longer be neutralized in the absence of forest functions that produce oxygen and absorb CO2 and other pollutants-pollutants.

Moreover, mangrove forests is a shield to break the barrier and the large sea waves because during this physical infrastructure such as Breakwater of concrete that cost hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars are not able to suppress the rate of coastal abrasion.

Therefore, what needs to be done as a follow-up is to integrate the economy into the environment. To ensure environmentally sound development, there are three important dimensions that must be considered.

First, the economic dimension that connects between the effects of macroeconomic and microeconomic elements on the environment and how natural resources are treated in economic analysis.

Second, the political dimension that includes the political process that determines the appearance of development, population growth and environmental degradation.

Third, the social dimension of culture that links between the tradition or history with the dominance of technology, patterns of thought, and religion.

One of the major problems in the development orientation that lasted was the custom of the city.

Coastal communities marginalized by their own residential environment due to the housing or a hotel in the beach with the slogan''city''in the village.

There is even a kind of deliberate action by the industrial establishment or processing plant along the coast.

Coastal areas should be reserved for public space in the form of recreational beaches, parks, and coastal forests, both as a nature reserve and forest tour to avoid a massive exploited.

Because after the enactment of Law No. 32 of 2004 regarding regional governance actually happened acceleration of natural resource exploitation on a large scale is finally leaving the principles of environmental safety.

Jackson through his book Crabgrass Frontier (1985) describes the trend of modern society make the shift from the city center toward the edge of town.

So Jackson's statement that more than twenty years into the business justification for the current rise property with a residential paradise offering massively through the expansion of the suburbs.

Ironically it protrudes into the coastal area because of the beauty. Urban land-saving argument shrinking and reduce the psychological problems of urban communities and lifestyles it back to village threatening coastal areas of natural vegetation of mangrove forests.

The struggle of the seizure of such discourse is explicitly mandated that the environment becomes part of Human Rights, Article 28 of Chapter XA on Human Rights 1945.

Thematic circles as Peter L. Berger in the Pyramids of Sacrifice (1974), there are human costs that ultimately make the community as a victim of physical coercion for the progress in development that does not care for the environment.

For the purposes of residential or industrial development and other objects, mangrove forest related to coastal ekosisitem damaged. Receive the effects, the arrest is excessive (over fishing) that threaten the supply of fish in the Java Sea was not able to offset any other clusters such as shrimp fishery is highly dependent existence of mangrove forest.

Thus, the sooner the better realization of Mangrove Center as police on green vegetation and coastal environment along with the presence of Coastal Regulation for the welfare of coastal communities back. (80)

-Muh Khamdan, observer construction and functional studies in BPSDM Depkumham WIDYAISWARA RI

[Published in Suara Merdeka Daily, 2 November 2009]

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